Youtube上有位大佬讲解了如何使用houdini和ue快速实现一个吉卜力风的卡通云,虽然效果还是ok,但个人认为,这种方法容易露馅。不过,这其中的制作云的思路可以参考,无需再用PS来频繁上色。本篇将在此基础上,添加实现其他的功能(主要思路来自Tyler Smith)
Render Type
- 这里采用半透明效果
Tags { "RenderPipeline" = "UniversalRenderPipeline" "RenderType"="Transparent" "Queue" = "Transparent" "IgnoreProjector" = "True" } Tags { "LightMode" = "UniversalForward" } Blend [_BlendSrc] [_BlendDst] BlendOp [_BlendOp] ZWrite [_ZWriteMode]
因为云是一种半透明物体,不能简单地使用diffuse Texture的A通道(为了方便调节美术效果,需要控制它的opacity),所以我用到了DepthFade(弱化半透明物体和不透明物体间相交时产生的硬线)
- DepthFade
// UE中的实现 float DepthFade(in half opacity = 1, in float sceneDepth = 1, in float pixelDepth = 1, in half depthFade = 100) { half depthDiff = sceneDepth - pixelDepth; return opacity * saturate(depthDiff / depthFade); }
- Scene Depth 和 Pixel Depth
struct Depth { float raw; float linear01; float eye; }; // 获取深度图,并提取深度 Depth SampleDepth(float4 positionSS) { float4 positionSSNor = float4(positionSS.xyz / positionSS.w, positionSS.w); Depth depth = (Depth)0; depth.raw = SampleSceneDepth(positionSSNor.xy); depth.eye = LinearEyeDepth(depth.raw, _ZBufferParams); depth.linear01 = Linear01Depth(depth.raw, _ZBufferParams); return depth; } float GetRawDepth(Depth depth) { return depth.raw; } float GetLinear01Depth(Depth depth) { return depth.linear01; } float GetEyeDepth(Depth depth) { return depth.eye; } // positionSS为未进行透视除法的屏幕空间 float GetPixelDepth(float4 positionSS) { return positionSS.w; } // 计算得出片元的opacity // 这里的albedo是基于POM采样MainTex得到的 half GetSurfaceOpacity(float4 alebdo, float2 uv, float4 positionSS) { half surfaceOpacity = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_AlbedoTex, sampler_AlbedoTex, uv).a; // 计算scene depth 和 pixel depth Depth depth = SampleDepth(positionSS); float sceneEyeDepth = GetEyeDepth(depth); float pixelDepth = GetPixelDepth(positionSS); // 计算opacity float opacity = 1.f; _OpacityContrast = max(0.0001f, _OpacityContrast); opacity = pow(surfaceOpacity, _OpacityContrast); opacity *= pow(alebdo.a, _OpacityContrast); return DepthFade(sceneEyeDepth, pixelDepth, opacity, _FadeDistance); } // 后续在片元shader对opacity进行clip即可
- 效果
现在可以通过调节Diffuse Opacity Contrast 和 Depth Fade Distance来控制云的不透明度
- R通道:基色
- G通道:水平lerp
- B通道:边缘
half3 GetSurfaceEmission(float2 uv) { half3 o = half3(0, 0, 0); half3 emissiveColor = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_EmissionTex, sampler_EmissionTex, uv); _BaseContrast = max(0.0001f, _BaseContrast); _HorizionContrast = max(0.0001f, _HorizionContrast); _RimContrast = max(0.0001f, _RimContrast); _RimPower = max(0.0001f, _RimPower); half RChannel = emissiveColor.r; RChannel = pow(RChannel, _BaseContrast); half GChannel = emissiveColor.g; GChannel = pow(GChannel, _HorizionContrast); half BChannel = emissiveColor.b; BChannel = pow(BChannel, _RimContrast); o = lerp(_OverlayTint1, _OverlayTint2, RChannel); o = lerp(o, _HorizionTint, GChannel); o = lerp(o, _RimTint * _RimPower, BChannel); return o; }
- 效果
Parallax Occlusion Mapping
目前实现的云已经有一定的体积感,但为了更好的视觉效果,这里还添加了Parallax Occlusion Mapping视差贴图
float2 ParallaxOcclusionMapping(Texture2D heightTex, sampler sampler_heightTex, float2 uv, float4 positionCS, half3 viewDirTSNor, half heightRatio, half minLayer, half maxLayer) { float numLayers = lerp(maxLayer, minLayer, abs(dot(half3(0.h, 0.h, 1.h), viewDirTSNor))); float layerHeight = 1.f / numLayers; // 每层高度 float currentLayerHeight = 0.f; // shift of texture coordinates for each layer float2 uvDelta = heightRatio * viewDirTSNor.xy / viewDirTSNor.z / numLayers; float2 currentUV = uv; float currentHeightTexValue = GetHeight(currentUV, heightTex, sampler_heightTex); while(currentLayerHeight < currentHeightTexValue) { currentUV -= uvDelta; // shift of texture coordinates currentLayerHeight += layerHeight; // to next layer currentHeightTexValue = GetHeight(currentUV, heightTex, sampler_heightTex); // new height } // last uv float2 lastUV = currentUV + uvDelta; // heights for lerp float nextHeight = currentHeightTexValue - currentLayerHeight; float lastHeight = GetHeight(lastUV, heightTex, sampler_heightTex) - currentLayerHeight + layerHeight; // proportions for lerp float weight = nextHeight / (nextHeight - lastHeight); // lerp uv float2 result = lastUV * weight + currentUV * (1.f-weight); // lerp depth values float parallaxHeight = currentLayerHeight + lastHeight * weight + nextHeight * (1.0 - weight); return result; }
- 最后,为云加上动画,这里使用flowmap,和一个Noise 对floawmap进行扰动
- Flowmap
- Noise
void CalcFlow(inout float2 uv3, float2 uv4) { float2 flowValue = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_FlowTex, sampler_FlowTex, uv3).rg; float2 flowNoisePanner = panner(uv4, _NoisePannerTime * _Time.y, _PannerSpeed); float flowNoiseValue = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_FlowNoiseTex, sampler_FlowNoiseTex, flowNoisePanner).r; flowNoiseValue *= _FlowPower; float2 baseUV = lerp(uv3, flowValue, flowNoiseValue); uv3 = panner(baseUV, _BasePannerTime * _Time.y, _PannerSpeed); }
- 效果
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